Matt Tolman Graphic Design Design | Resume | Bio

(208) 859-9974

In 2001, I began my professional career as a graphic designer focusing on branding and identity needs for a large group of clients containing the aggressive start up to the well-established company. My professional career began after graduating from college, but my love of art has always been a part of me. I began taking a talent of illustration and intertwining it with technology to find a new love and long-term focus of Graphic Design. I have been able to take my long time passion and turn it into success with many clients helping them push their branding and identity needs to the next level. I am very passionate about design and find a deep level of satisfaction in my work.

I focus on keeping my designs clean, simple, and focused on the company and product at hand. I have lived in the Pacific Northwest my entire life and this has become a strong influence in my design career. In most recent years, I have developed a knowledge and love for sustainable design. Though my roots are strong, I find all my travels and experiences with life have helped me listen to the needs of the market and create eye catching web sites, logos, and marketing collateral.

In my spare time you will find me outdoors either at a dog park to entertain my black lab or with my family enjoying life. I love to get outside and climb a mountain, but also love warm sand and a cold beer. Most recently, I have been dabbling my talents into capturing the candid moments of life.

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